Our Story


Never stop trusting God with your dreams.  He knows your heart intimately and is working out details for days, months, and even years before you even have a hint of what He is about to do on your behalf.  Trust me on this one.

This month marks my 50th Birthday and guess what?  A lifelong dream of mine should be happening just in time for my birthday.  My dream of owning and living on a farm is coming true.

Even though some people may think it is too late to chase my dream, The Outdoorsman and I know it is happening at the PERFECT time.  A time in our lives when our three children have settled into college and junior high and are ready to support our bold move to the country on a 30-acre farm in the middle of nowhere.  Only one person I have talked to actually knows where our tiny town is located.  That in itself excites me.

I was born and raised in the sprawling metropolis of Houston, Texas, but luckily for me, The Outdoorsman spent lots of time helping his grandparents at their rural homes and farms in East Texas.  He was born ready for this adventure.  He knows how to bale hay, care for cattle, purchase livestock, drive a tractor, hunt, fish, fence off pastures, build a chicken coop, build a shed, and much, much more.  I guess my contributions to our marriage have always been more mental and spiritual than physical, but The Outdoorsman assures me that I carry my weight of the workload in our family.

Back to the farm.  Before the end of the year, we will relocate from the largest city in Texas  to a tiny town in Texas.  We could not be happier.

Sure, we will definitely miss our families and our close friends, but we are moving towards every dream we have ever had in our lives.  The desire to live closer to our three children.  The desire to slow the pace of life.  The desire to get outside and enjoy nature.  The desire to own our own land.  The desire to provide a place for our children and their families when they need a break or even a place to build a home when the time comes.

Over the coming weeks, months, and years, I will be writing about and recording our adventures in renovating our farmhouse, trying our hand at different livestock, recreating beauty on our land, and enjoying the great outdoors.  All of these things are amazing blessings coming from the hand of God.  We could not be more thankful.

Please join us on our Green Acres Adventure!  (I am inviting all of you to do this by signing up to follow my blog.  You will receive email alerts each time I publish a post about the farm!)

Thank you, friends, for the excitement and joy you have already added to our adventure.

The Head Hen

(P.S.  The address for this blog is greenacresadventure.com so please sign up by pressing the “follow” button, but I also write a blog about family and relationships called The Rusty Coop.  If you would like to learn more about  my family, please check it out at therustycoop.wordpress.com)

5 thoughts on “Our Story

  1. I’m so excited for you and your family…wishing you all many great memories and new adventure…can’t wait for the updates!!! Luv u guys!!


  2. I loved meeting you and your daughter this weekend! It is so wonderful to meet a momma who loves God, husband and family. I am looking forward to reading your blogs! 💕🙌 blessings!! Karen


  3. Thank you so much!! I just saw your sweet comment…..a month later! I really appreciate you taking time to read my blog.
    It was a pleasure meeting you and your sweet daughter last month. As you also mentioned, I am so very thankful for a loving mother who raised a beautiful Christian friend for my daughter.


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